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Joan Chittister offered the opening prayer at the Root and Branch Gathering held in early September.

If journal keeping appeals to those you minister with; if they are looking for a sacred place to record

At the end of August, Joan Chittister will offer the opening prayer and reflections at the Root & Branch Community for Reform's conference, "Empowering Ourselves." This lay-led

If you are a member of Monasteries of the Heart, join a free Zoom gathering celebrating the Feast of Benedict on July 11. 

The Jefferson Educational Society of Erie, Pennsylvania, has announced that this fall, it will host a conversation between Joan Chittister and Liz Cheney, former chair of the House Repub

Joan Chittister's latest column in the National Catholic Reporter is in memory of her friend, Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, who died on April 4 this year.

Bishop Tom Gumbleton, the "soul of the peace movement," died at the age of 94 on April 4,

Joan Chittister will present at the seventh annual conference of L.A. Sisters Aging Well, on Saturday, April 20, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon, Pacific Time.

Joan Chittister will virtually offer the Opening Blessing and Thoughts at the "Empowering Ourselves" conference on Friday, August 31.

A recent op-ed in the Erie Times-News highlights the interconnectedness of all people, and quotes Joan Chittister's wisdom from her book The Liturgical Y

A recent column in the Global Sisters Report described how important it is for women to be given the opportunity to write and tell their stories.

This thought-provoking quotation from Joan Chittister was spotted in a humanities building at Mercyhurst University.

Some disciples came to see Abba Poemen and said to him: "Tell us, when we see brothers dozing during the Divine Office, should we pinch them so that they will stay awake?" And the wise man said

Joan Chittister is—among her other qualities—a highly quotable writer and lecturer.

What kind of year means the most?