The launch of another phase
Hope and Faith
To Take Someone Into the Home
New Kind of Life
What Was I Made To Do?
Friends, Companions, and Guides
Stages of the Spiritual Life
A Holy Life or A Pious Life
Love and Courage
Purity of Heart
Good Works
What We Seek
Religion: Life to the Excess
Obedience is Freeing
Laughter heals
What We Are Meant to Do in Life
Role Models
Sin is Not What Meets the Eye
Play Teaches
To Become What We Think About
Seeing Differently
Real Friends
Who am I?
Being Present to Pain
Soul Search with Dr Meredith Lake: Joan Chittister on renewing community in a changing world
Joan Chittister found her community as a teenager, seventy years ago, when she joined the Benedictine sisters in Pennsylvania. For decades she has devoted herself to renewing community in and beyond the Catholic church. Her fierce advocacy for women has put her at odds with some within the hierarchy, but as a spiritual writer she had brought the insights of her tradition to a wider world.
Even before the pandemic there was an epidemic of loneliness, not only in American but in Australia too. Lockdown or no lockdown, millions live with emotional isolation and a lack of social support. So where do we find the communities of care we all need to flourish?
Joan Chittister says, “If community is showing us anything right now, it’s showing us that individualism has run its course. This was the great American moment, you know – everybody was free, and everybody was autonomous, everybody was self-saving and self-serving – until they weren’t. And then we began to discover what we didn’t have. We’ve been channelling people into isolation and had no idea it was happening.”
Courage - May 13, 2022
New Life Comes - April 22, 2022
Loneliness - April 8. 2022
When we try to pray - March 25, 2022
Failure and Success - March 11, 2022
Begin Again - February 25, 2022
Cultivation of Wisdom - February 11, 2022
Essence of Contemplation - January 28, 2022
Something of God in This - January 14, 2021
The Bottom Line: Sister Joan Chittister: 50 Practices for a Contemplative & Fulfilling Life
The Bottom Line hosted by Roger Marsh
Sister Joan Chittister: 50 Practices for a Contemplative & Fulfilling Life
Get your daily dose of current events with a Biblical World View. Host Roger Marsh takes current events and brings them down to the bottom line. No opinionated spins…just the facts with solid focus on truth while staying away from over-sensationalized opinions.
Contemplify with Paul Swanson: The Monastic Heart & Prophetic Imagination with Sr. Joan Chittister
Contemplify: Kindling the Examined Life for Contemplatives in the World
The Monastic Heart & Prophetic Imagination with Sr. Joan Chittister
Sister Joan Chittister is a member of the Benedictine Sisters, played a huge hand in developing the Charter of Compassion, was president of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious., director of Benetvision, founder of Monasteries of the Heart, passionately advocated on behalf of peace, human rights, women’s issues, and church renewal, written over 60 books, and has a bird named Lady Hildegard. The focus of our conversation today is Joan’s book, The Monastic Heart: 50 Simple Practices for a Contemplative and Fulfilling Life.
Unhurried Living with Alan Fading: The Monastic Heart with Sr. Joan Chittister
Welcome Sister Joan Chittister to the Unhurried Living Podcast where we are talking about her latest book, "The Monastic Heart" where she offers simple, practical, deep wisdom. You know when someone has lived truth well when they can make things so very easily understandable.
The State of Belief: The Monastic Life with Sister Joan
Joan Chittister returned to the radio show “State of Belief” and joined Rev. Welton Gaddy to discuss her new book, The Monastic Life: 50 Simple Practices for a Contemplative and Fulfilling Life.
To purchase The Monastic Heart click here.
Contemplation - October 22,2021
Imperfection - October 8, 2021
Joan Chittister on the podcast What Matters Most by Paul Samuel Dolman
Paul Samuel Dolman, host of “What Matters Most,” interviews Joan Chittister on her book, The Monastic Heart.
Compass Podcast: Simple life rhythms for balance and peace with Joan Chittister
Compass Podcast: Finding the spirituality in the day-to-day by the United Methodist Church.
One of the marks of monastic communities is that they establish a rhythm of life that calls attention to the holy.
Sister Joan Chittister, who is herself part of a Benedictine monastic community, has translated a number of these practices into everyday life for us. You may have heard of Sister Joan–she’s a well-known activist and has made a couple of appearances alongside Oprah Winfrey. She’s also authored 60 books and has won numerous awards. We’re talking with her about her recent release: The Monastic Heart: 50 Simple Practices for a Contemplative and Fulfilling Life.
The Ongoing Path - September 24, 2021
Good / True / & Beautiful: The Monastic Heart with Joan Chittister
Good / True / & Beautiful with Ashton Gustafson
The Monastic Heart with Joan Chittister
As an avid student and lover of life, wisdom, art, and creativity, my hope is to bring a new perspective to life, relationships, and business through my podcast, Good / True / & Beautiful. Here you'll find some of my latest thoughts and ideas, interviews with thought leaders from around the country, information on books that have inspired my story, and creativity that has moved me.
Joan Chittister, OSB, is an internationally known writer and lecturer and the executive director of Benetvision, a resource and research center for contemporary spirituality in Erie, Pennsylvania. A Benedictine Sister of Erie, Pennsylvania, she served as president of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious and of the Conference of American Benedictine Prioresses, and was prioress of the Benedictine Sisters of Erie for twelve years. Sister Joan received her doctorate from Pennsylvania State University in speech communications theory. She has authored sixty books and received numerous awards for her work on behalf of peace, justice, and women in church and in society.
Her latest book, The Monastic Heart, was released September 21, 2021. This book carries the weight and wisdom of the monastic spiritual tradition into the twenty-first century. Sister Joan leans into Saint Benedict, who, as a young man in the sixth century, sought moral integrity in the face of an empire not by conquering or overpowering the empire but by simply living an ordinary life extraordinarily well. This same monastic mindset can help us grow in wisdom, equanimity, and strength of soul as we seek restoration and renewal both at home and in the world. At a time when people around the world are bearing witness to human frailty—and, simultaneously, the endurance of the human spirit—The Monastic Heart invites readers of all walks to welcome this end of certainty and embrace a new beginning of our faith. Without stepping foot in a monastery, we can become, like those before us, a deeper, freer self, a richer soul—and, as a result, a true monastic, so “that in all things God may be glorified.”
This Undivided Life: Joan Chittister on The Monastic Heart
This Undivided Life Podcast will give you real advice to help make life whole again. Join Troy Mclaughlin, co-host Scott Perkins and guests as we talk real life. We bypass simple platitudes and the generic “just love yourself” gibberish, and dive headlong into the challenges pulling us a million different directions.
The Review - September 10, 2021
Friendship - August 20, 2021
Sample from The Monastic Heart
The Gift of Weakness - August 6, 2021
Portrait of Humility - July 23, 2021
Time to Weep - July 9, 2021
The Crucible of Struggle - June 18, 2021
The Art of Dailiness - June 04, 2021
Being Human - May 23, 2021
Prayer of those who dwell in a Monastery of the Heart
Loving God, You who dwell in our hearts,
make for us a cave there in which to hear your voice more distinctly,
feel your care more tenderly,
understand your will more clearly,
and come to know your presence
at every moment of our lives
with new clarity and new courage,
with new faith and new urgency.
Enable us to grow in the Benedictine spirit
in ways that make us compassionate co-creators of a world in process,
creative keepers of the human community,
loving listeners to the heartbeat of the world,
caring sisters and brothers to its wounded
and bringers of peace to a world in distress.
Let us sink into your Word,
let us nourish it to life,
let it lead us beyond the burdens of the day
so that we may become the people you desire us to be.
Give us hearts where all may enter in,
ears to hear your call,
hands to do your will,
voices to sing your praise
and soul enough to recognize You in everything we do.
This we ask through the intercession of all the faithful monastics
who have gone before us and through the grace of the living God.
— Joan Chittister
Whose Enlightenment - May 9, 2021
Consciousness Commits - April 25, 2021
Attitudes Toward Life - April 11, 2021
Internal Quiet - March 15, 2021
To Have No Fear - March 1, 2021
To Moreness - February 11, 2021
Darkness and Light - January 28, 2021
Who is God? - January 17, 2021
The Unexamined Life - December 31, 2020
Relationships - December 10, 2020
Self-Acceptance - November 13, 2020
Paths of Life - September 8, 2020
Laughter - July 19, 2020
Humility - July 5, 2020
Honoring the Other - June 21, 2020
Happiness - June 7, 2020
Goodness - June 24, 2020
God's Presence - June 10, 2020
Freedom - April 26, 2020
Food and Celebration - April 12, 2020
Soul Sister: The Time is Now with Sister Joan Chittister
Joan Chittister’s hour-long interview on Soul Sister Conversations is available now. Click here to listen. The podcast focuses on Sister Joan’s new book, The Time is Now, and on the women’s issue—how do women find their voices, why is it important that they do, what about women in the church?.... “I love her fierceness,” wrote Dana Lloyd when requesting the interview with Sister Joan. Lloyd, along with Elaine Shannon, conduct Soul Sister Conversations, a podcast that inspires and empowers people to connect more soulfully to themselves by sharing insights on topics of spirituality, joy, and leadership.
Joan Chittister on Here & Now: Book Calls For Religious To Put Beliefs Into Action
Joan Chittister was interviewed about her book, The Time is Now: A Call to Uncommon Courage, by NPR’s award winning radio magazine, Here & Now. Listen here.
Interview with Michel Martin of NPR
Sister Joan speaks with Michel Martin of National Public Radio on the subject of Lent.
Best of 2017
Ashton Gustafson recently listed his conversation with Joan Chittister as one of The Best 2017 Podcast Interviews. Gustafson’s weekly podcast, formerly called "Let the Music Play," “serves as a platform for thought leaders and visionaries from across the country to share their wisdom and insights on making the world a better place.” In 2018, Gustafson changed the name of his podcast series to “Good/ True/ & Beautiful” with Ashton Gustafson.
Sinking into the Heart of God - January 7, 2018
Joan Chittister reflects one minute on,"We must do whatever justice must be done in our time if we claim to be serious about sinking into the heart of God."
Sounds True Interview
“Sister Joan Chittister: Lighting a Fire with Faith” is the title of an in-depth interview conducted by Tami Simon, founder of Sounds True, an independent multimedia publishing company that embraces the world's major spiritual traditions, as well as the arts and humanities, embodied by the leading authors, teachers, and visionary artists of our time. The hour-long conversation was part of Simon’s video podcast series, “Insights at the Edge” and covered topics such the relationship between faith and doubt, asking the right questions, what are the right questions, seeing the world as God sees it, growing old gracefully and the last great adventure of death. To listen to the interview, click here.
Drew Marshall Interviews Sister Joan
An interview with Joan Chittister, entitled Sister Joan Chittister — Award Winning Author of Radical Spirit: 12 Ways to Live a Free and Authentic Life was live-streamed on “The Drew Marshall Show: Canada’s Most Listened to Spiritual Talk Show” on July 22, 2017. Sister Joan did a 20-minute interview on the show which aired from 2 to 4 p.m. Click here to listen.
The Spirit of Joan Chittister
In this podcast, Rabbi Rami talks to Joan Chittister about her book Radical Spirit: 12 Ways to Live a Free and Authentic Life. Click here to listen.
Interview with Joan Chittister
Interview with Joan Chittister The Benedictine nun, human rights advocate and co-chair of the Global Peace Initiative of Women talks about her writing, the Catholic church and the current U.S. political climate. Published in UC Observer
Interfaith Voices: The Surprising Relevance of Ancient Desert Monastics
Surprising Relevance of Ancient Desert Monastics Maureen Feidler of Interfaith Radio interviewed Joan Chittister about her book, In God's Holy Light . What in the world would monks and nuns who lived in the Egyptian desert centuries ago have to teach the modern world? Well, Sister Joan Chittister, herself a beloved Benedictine nun, looked into the writings of these early monastics and found lots of relevant messages--including insights on immigration, racism, and even capitalism.
Judith Valente interviews Joan on new books
NPR correspondent and award-winning author and poet Judith Valente interviewed Joan Chittister recently on her new book, In God’s Holy Light, and on her personal reaction to her new biography by Tom Roberts, Joan Chittister: Her Journey from Certainty to Faith. The interview aired on WGLT Radio, the National Public Radio affiliate in central Illinois and went out to other Illinois public radio stations.
Penn State interview with Joan Chittister
Penn State Public Broadcasting reporter Patty Satalia interviewed Sister Joan Chittister on a number of topics including her faith journey, the role of women in the church and society, and future issues facing the Roman Catholic Church. Click here to listen.
More of PSU Interview with Joan
Hear more of the PSU interview with Joan Chittister. She talks about the future of the Catholic Church and about the sharp decline in the number of American nuns. Click here to listen.
Publisher's Weekly interview on new book, In God's Holy Light
Publisher’s Weekly Radio interviewed Joan Chittister on her new book, In God’s Holy Light: Wisdom from the Desert Monastics. To order this latest addition to Sister Joan’s corpus on contemporary monasticism, click here.
Maureen Fiedler interviews Joan Chittister
Maureen Fiedler of Interfaith Voices recently interviewed Joan Chittister regarding the themes of her latest book, Between the Dark and the Daylight. Listen here.
Listen In
PBS Boston recently interviewed Joan Chittister on the topic “Nun Hopes for More Gender Equality in the Church.” The January 27, 2015 interview was conducted by award winning journalist Robin Young, cohost of Here & Now, a mid-day radio show of in-depth news, interview and conversation. Listen to the nine-minute interview: