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Fund for Prisoner Request for Joan Chittister Journals Fall 2024

If journal keeping appeals to those you minister with; if they are looking for a sacred place to record the autobiography of their spiritual development, consider the Joan Chittister Journal. This beautiful publication combines the challenging and inspiring words of Sister Joan and includes writing prompts to help the journey to the center of the self. We can’t guarantee it, but the journaling process reveals the self to the self, shapes the soul within as we move toward freedom. 

Please submit your request with the quantity desired by September 16, 2024. The number of journals available at this time is limited, so please request no more than 100. 

If you have already requested this material, DO NOT submit another request. If you are unsure about a submission or would like to make an adjustment to the number requested, please email us here.

Materials from the Joan Chittister Fund for Prisoners are always free.

Fill out your request form here.