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I Believe in God: A Reflection on the Apostles' Creed

I believe in God

who made us all

and whose divinity

infuses all of life

with the sacred.

I believe

in the multiple revelations

of that God

alive in every human heart,

expressed in every culture,

and found in all the wisdoms

of the world.

I believe that Jesus Christ,

the unique son of God,

is the face of God

on earth

in whom we see best

the divine justice,

divine mercy,

and divine compassion

to which we are all called.

I believe

in the Christ

who is One in being

with the Creator

and who shows us

the presence of God

in everything that is

and calls out

the sacred

in ourselves.

I believe

in Jesus, the Christ,

who leads us

to the fullness

of human stature,

to what we were

meant to become

before all time

and for all other things

that were made.

Through Christ

we become new people,

called beyond

the consequences

of our brokenness

and lifted to the fullness of life.

By the power

of the Holy Spirit

he was born

of the woman Mary,

pure in soul

and single-hearted—

a sign to the ages

of the exalted place

of womankind

in the divine plan

of human salvation.

He grew as we grow

through all the stages of life.

He lived as we live

prey to the pressures of evil

and intent on the good.

He broke no bonds

with the world

to which he was bound,

He sinned not.

He never strayed

from the mind of God.

He showed us the Way,

lived it for us,

suffered from it,

and died because of it

so that we might live

with new heart, new mind,

and new strength

despite all the death

to which

we are daily subjected.

For our sake and for the sake

of eternal Truth

he was hounded, harassed

and executed by those

who were their own gods

and who valued the sacred

in no other.

He suffered so that

we might realize

that the spirit in us

can never be killed

whatever price

we have to pay

for staying true

to the mind of God.

He died

but did not die

because he lives in us


“On the third day”

in the tomb

he rose again

in those

he left behind

and in each of us

as well

to live in hearts

that will not succumb

to the enemies of life.

He changed all of life

for all of us thereafter.

He ascended into

the life of God

and waits there

for our own ascension

to the life

beyond life.

He waits there,


what has gone before

and what is yet to come

against unending values

and, in behalf of

eternal virtue,

for the time

when all of life

will be gathered

into God,

full of life and light,

steeped in truth.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,

the breath of God on earth,

who keeps

the Christ vision present

to souls yet in darkness,

gives life

even to hearts now blind.

Infuses energy

into spirits yet weary,


searching and confused.

The spirit has spoken

to the human heart

through the prophets

and gives new meaning

to the Word throughout time.

I believe in one

holy and universal church.

Bound together

by the holiness of creation

and the holiness of hearts

forever true.

I acknowledge the need

to be freed

from the compulsions

of my disordered life

and my need

for forgiveness

in the face of frailty.

I look for life eternal

in ways I cannot dream

and trust that creation

goes on creating

in this world

and in us forever.


— Joan Chittister

Chittister, Joan. “I believe in God: A reflection on the Apostles’ Creed.” In Search of Belief. Liguori, MO: Liguori. 2006. Print.