It’s not often that someone reads one of Joan Chittister’s books and is inspired to write one of their own. But that’s what happened to grandmother Dee Lorenz. The very active 87-year-old found…
Joan Chittister’s thoughts on humility in the Rule of Benedict are shared in this letter to the editor from John Brooks that appeared in The Republic, Columbus, Indiana. …
A column by Jane Jayroe Gamble in The Oklahoman newspaper on the topic of “forgiveness following the national election” referenced a quote by Joan Chittister from her book,…
In a Facebook Live conversation, Benedictine Sr. Joan Chittister and former NCR executive editor Tom Roberts talk about the state of the country and American politics and…
In case you missed it, Joan Chittister was featured in the final event of Network Lobby's virtual Nuns on the Bus national tour, “Who We Elect Matters."…
In preparation for the national election, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) used one of Joan Chittister’s articles for the weekly reflection series that it provides for its…
Sister Joan was a featured speaker during the 2020 Chautauqua Institution Summer Session. If you were unable to watch her presentation on July 27, you can access the video of the talk, “A Woman’s…
On June 18, Sister Joan Chittister spoke with Omega Institute board member Jamia Wilson to explore the kind of courage needed to be accountable, promote healing, and build partnerships across…
In the midst of a very busy life filled with speaking engagements, requests for interviews, and writing deadlines, Sister Joan Chittister still finds the time to make new friends and let them know…
An article on Patheos quotes Joan Chittister and draws on the ideas in her 2019 book, …