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In her recent message to parishioners, the Very Reverend Catherine Ogle, Dean of the Cathedral, quotes Joan Chittister in urging them to prepare for Lent. “The purpose of the season of Lent…

- General

Joan Chittister’s reflections were chosen for the Tuesday, February 21 entry in the Liturgical Press monthly publication,

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In March, Halewijn Publishing, in Belgium, will be releasing a Dutch translation of the book…

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Joan Chittister was quoted in a column in Global Sisters Report last week. The article is written by Margaret Gonsalves, a Sister for Christian Community and feminist…

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In Joan Chittister’s NCR online piece, “Behold I am doing something new … maybe,” Sister Joan muses on the increasing secularization of Christmas, and what even this may have to teach Christians…

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Tom Roberts, writer and long-time editor of the National Catholic Reporter, wrote an extended profile and obituary for Mary Lou Kownacki, which was published in the NCR online.…

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For over twenty years, Mary Lou Kownacki, OSB, served as director of Benetvision. A close friend and collaborator of Joan Chittister, Sister Mary Lou was a peace activist, poet, prophet, athlete,…

- Five Minutes with Joan
- Five Minutes with Joan
- Five Minutes with Joan