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Very little in this world stays fresh and life-giving for 1,500 years.  But when that happens, we should ask ourselves why and what that has do to with us?  In The Radical Christian Life: A Year with Saint Benedict, Joan Chittister encourages us to look at these questions.  In an introductory essay she examines how the insights and values of the sixth-century visionary Saint Benedict can illuminate today’s search for a meaningful life. Then she leads us through the year, reflecting on twelve stories from Benedict’s life, anecdotes that give us glimpses into his soul. More than that, she draws from these stories daily thoughts for the development of our own spiritual lives in this day and age.

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  • "Sister Joan Chittister presents us with fruitful reading for our spiritually impoverished times."—Notker Wolf, OSB, past Abbot Primate of the Benedictine Order