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Book Description

This is a book that examines the multiple threads that make up the lifelong warp and woof of the spiritual experience.  It gives no single set of rules.  It describes no mystical secrets.  It guarantees no certain system of spiritual advancement.  It simply looks at all the dimensions of life as we live it today and asks what, if anything, is holy-making about any of it.

It asks whether life as we know it has anything to do with life as ancient spiritual writers declared it to be good.

It is, in other words, an excursion into the questions and soul-searching of one person but it is not, if it is true, only one person’s story.  It is every person’s story.  Yours as well as mine.  And it is not traveled alone, this path to purpose and perception.  It happens in conjunction with all the experiences and truths of all the rest of the people of my world.

This book ends nothing.  My only hope is that it will begin in others the process that it reflects in me.  All the uncertainty, all the confusion, all the waiting for life to clarify and the spirit to grow are more than worth it.

   --from the Acknowledgement in paperback edition