Reflection Prompt
Don't be afraid to look again at everything you've ever believed. —Joan Chittister
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In each of us there is a memory of God. —Joan Chittister
The function of authority is to enable another person's growth. —Joan Chittister
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Sometimes we grow in silent places that do not burst through to daylight and voice for years. —Joan Chittister
Art is the sacrament of awareness. —Joan Chittister
Tradition is meant to help us identify with what is sacred in life. —Joan Chittister
We cannot know the presence of God without coming to know ourselves as well. —Joan Chittister
Violence has simply no place in the monastic heart. —Joan Chittister
Failing to notice one rose, we fail to notice the entire cosmos. —Joan Chittister
Coming to understand that there is nothing unforgivable in life is the beginning of real love. —Joan Chittister
It is doubt itself that is the foundation of faith. —Joan Chittister
When we really love God, we don’t need any of the commandments at all. —Joan Chittister
God is the tug you feel toward wholeness. —Joan Chittister
Joan Chittister reflects one minute on,"We must do whatever justice must be done in our time if we claim to be serious about sinking into the heart of God."

Joan Chittister reflects one minute on,"We must do whatever justice must be done in our time if we claim to be serious about sinking into the heart of God."