Weekly Word
Throughout March, Women’s History Month, Vision and Viewpoint will highlight some of Joan Chittister’s most prophetic writings about women’s rights and contemporary feminist spirituality.
Throughout March, Women’s History Month, Vision and Viewpoint will highlight some of Joan Chittister’s most prophetic writings about women’s rights and contemporary feminist spirituality.
The ancients talked about the “gift of tears,” the grace of sorrow for sin. Sin is not a popular concept these days, and sorrow is even more suspect in this culture.
After a woman makes perpetual profession of her monastic vows of obedience, stability, and metanoia, she lights her profession
Everyone is defeated some time. Many then simply quit the fray. But the really strong, the really committed, do not. They decide whether or not the mountain is worth the climb.

For over twenty years, Mary Lou Kownacki, OSB, edited and compiled the weekly Vision and Viewpoint newsletter, as part of her ministry as director of Benetvision.
Holiness is not about hiding from the world in the depth of our rituals or in the distance from the questions of the time.
Christmas is a strange season. When you’re a child, it is a season of presents. When you’re young, it’s a season of parties.
We spend so much of our lives pretending to be God, it is often difficult to remember that we aren’t.
Life is not meant to be a burden. Life is not a problem to be solved. It is a blessing to be celebrated.